When you’re buying a new home, you’re aware of every single line-item in the budget. As you know, expenses add up, and that’s before you even factor in the home purchase itself. But one budget item you should definitely not pass over is the home inspection. Yes, it can run you a couple hundred dollars, but that’s not much compared to expenses you could face if you find yourself needing a new roof just weeks after you move in or if you find your foundation collapsing due to excess moisture.
What is the average cost of a home inspection?
The average cost of a home inspection for single-family homes can typically range between $300-$500, though the price is dependent on other variables as well, such as the size or age of the property, among others. Your home inspector will spend several hours walking through every part of your home – top to bottom, inside and out, above and below.
To get the most out of the inspection, it’s wise to also join the inspector for part of the process to learn about the home as well as ask any questions you may have. At GI Joe Home Inspections, each of our inspectors is trained on home safety aspects and is a great resource for both new and veteran home owners alike. After the inspection, your home inspector will compile a detailed report with all of their findings, which you can then use as you make your final decision or further negotiate the purchase.
Do you only get home inspections when buying a new home?
While home inspections are integrated with the home-buying process, there are other times you might also consider getting a home inspection, especially for those of us living here in South Florida. For example, hiring a home inspector to conduct a wind mitigation inspection on your home is a good way to ensure your home is up to safety standards and able to withstand strong storms. Not to mention, the savings you’ll reap on homeowners insurance will more than pay for the cost of the inspection.
Getting a home inspection is an investment, but it’s a worthy one in making sure that your current or future home is safe. Not to mention, you’ll be alerted to any bigger issues that could pose greater expenses down the road.
If you have questions about what a home inspection includes or how much an inspection on your property would cost, please give us a call at 786-732-0342.